Recent explorations in Ethiopian linguistics

Mr ABDU AHMED Tense-Aspect Interactions in Amharic Imaginative Conditionals 
Dr. BEDILU WAKIJIRA Plural formation in Kistane 
Mr DESALEGN ASFAWESSEN The inceptive construction in Amharic and other TSE languages 
Dr. EYASU HAILU Phonemic Inventory of Ethiopian Sign Language 
Prof. GENSLER Orin A Linguistic Description of Ethiopian English 
Dr. GETAHUN AMARE AGEGNEHU Argobba Language Revitalization: Strategies and challenges 
Mr INUI Hideyuki From Information Structure, Topic and Focus in Basketo 
Ms. IWATSUKI Shinya An Acoustic Study of Geminated Consonants of Amharic 
Mr KOZICKI Michał Corpus planning of the Amharic language
Dr. VERTAN Cristina Towards an Electronic Corpus and Analysis Tool for Classical Ethiopic 
Prof. VOIGT Rainer NES vs. SES reconsidered 
Dr. ZELEALEM LEYEW Language Endangerment in Ethiopia