7.03 Alemseged Beldados; Tekle Hagos; Hasen Seid

Archaeological researches and practice of conservation of cultural heritages in Ethiopia

By 2025, Ethiopia envisages to be part of the middle income countries of the world. To achieve this objective, the country is currently undertaking massive developmental projects. In different parts of the country large scale infrastructures like hydro-electric power dams, standard hotels, railways, roads, factories, industries, etc are being constructed. Some of these developmental projects go in line with the proper managements of cultural heritages. On the other hand, some had failed to harmoniously blend developmental projects with proper management of cultural heritages. There are also a number of archaeological researches that are conducted by Ethiopian and international scholars with diverse themes and periods. Some of these researches seriously follow the ethical considerations that the discipline of archaeology requires. Some other researches failed to accommodate the practice of conservation of cultural heritages (in the field, laboratories, museums, etc.). Under these two themes, this panel will organize research papers with topics of current archaeological research, cultural heritage conservation practices and impact assessments in Ethiopia.


Mr BANTALEM TADESSE Cultural heritage conservation along the Ethio-Kenya Power System Interconnection and Toussa Steel Factory establishment 
Dr. HILUF BERHE  The transformation of archaeological landscape of Aksum: Case study on the need for documentation and conservation of the stone thrones site in the enclosure of Aksum Maryam Tsion church
Mr & Dr. &Mr&Dr. HIRUY DANIEL & ALEMSEGED BELDADOS & TEKLE HAGOS & TEMESGEN BURKA Salvaging the Landscape and Memories of the Historic Salt Trade of the Afar Depression 
Mr KIFLE ZERUE Archaeological Investigation at Ahferom Woreda, Tigrai, Ethiopia
Prof.&Mr&Ms.&Mr MIYAKE Riichi & Nobushiro SHIMIZU & Rumi OKAZAKI & Yohei MANO A Typological Study on the Old Church of Asiera Metiera Monastery and other Stephanite Churches in Tigray, Ethiopia 
Dr.&Dr. PHILLIPS Jacke & TRIBE Tania Archaeology, Conservation and Heritage at Gännätä Maryam (near Lalibela) 
Dr. SERNICOLA Luisa The archaeological site of Seglamen (central Tigray) in the light of recent investigations by the University of Naples "L'Orientale" 
Mr TEKLE HAGOS Premilary result of the archaeolgical survey in Ganta- Afeshum, Tigray, Ethiopa 
Dr.&Dr.&Dr. VOGELGESANG Ralf & Jürgen RICHTER & ALEMSEGED BELDADOS The early occupation of high altitude mountain habitats –archaeological sites on Mount Dendi threatened by a tourist resort project 
Mr YOHANNES AYTENEW AYELE Heritage Management Challenges to the Megalithic Sites of Atsbi Wemberta: Eastern Tigray 
Mr&Dr.&Dr.&Mr&Mr&Mr&Mr ZELALEM  TEFERA & ALEMSEGED BELDADOS & TEMESGEN BURKA & TEKLE HAGOS & AHMED ZEKARIA & HASEN SEID & MERKEB MEKURIA Conservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Heritages in Light of Urban Renewal Programs: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia